School Garden
Over 40 trees planted including papaya, lemon, mango, guava, orange, cashew, flamboyant, and shade trees.
Approximately 70 tomato seedlings planted.
Bougenvilla and other flowering bushes planted near the edges of the garden.
Built 2m high wall, 150 m long, surrounding and protecting garden.
A stone lined path installed.
Watering and fertilization (sand, ash, manure).
Garden education.
Built chicken coop, proceeds of poultry sales to benefit school.
School Repairs
New waterproof roof for the school directors office.
Custom gate and partial fence made from re-purposed desks.
25+ desks repaired.
Rebuilt and reinforced cabinet to be computer charging station.
3 teacher's desks repaired.
Classroom window welded and repaired.
School Solar Installation
Maintenance free fluorescent lighting installed in 4 (of 6) classrooms.
Three independent maintenance free 50 watt computer charging stations created where 18+ computers can be charged per day. Solar panels are bolted and cemented to director's roof.
Secure locking cabinet in director's office for computer charging and storage.
Computer Training
OLPC operating system updates and durability tests on 25 XO laptops.
FBReader software installed to be used with provided digital French books.
6 copies of French OLPC operating manual bound and distributed to teachers.
Template handout created to help teachers and students navigate the keyboard (30 copies left with the school).
Six 2-hour computer training sessions for local teachers (8 teachers per session).
Three teachers trained on solar powered charging station installed in director's office.
- A deal was made with an American NGO in Thies to host the internet connection for Keur Sadaro. This internet service will hopefully begin in August.
Two 2-hour classes for students (one class of 9 students and one of 23).Training included basic computer functions (using the mouse, keyboard, opening programs, word processing) battery charging and basic maintenance.
Vision tests for school children and teachers.
Fitted some community members for glasses.
Many people had their first experience seeing a doctor. Some people just needed reassurance of their good heath.
Some people were referred to Thies for additional care.
Infections treated.
TLC given.
Boy with abscess tooth tested and treated.
Girl with very severe vision problems tested and prescription glasses bought.
Girl with fungal infected feet treated.
Girl with infected arm treated.
Records of the overall heath of the village documented.
Created a cultural map of a nearby village (Keur Demba Kebe).
Clinic Repairs
Charge controllers relocated for easy reset access.
Unmaintained batteries replaced with maintenance free batteries.
One light relocated to outside porch (by request).
Mouse chewed wires replaced with a plan to poison area around wires.
Locally Contracted Jobs
Cinder-block garden protection wall constructed (150 m).
Wood and palm canopy with created for serving school lunches.
Four classroom floors demolished and resurfaced with a 10 year guarantee.
Cinder-block chicken coop.
Community Events
Community planning meetings.
Distribution of soccer shoes, shirts, socks, and balls.
Art project for children waiting at the clinic.
Solar flashlights distributed.
Awards given to teachers for top 5 students during graduation ceremony.
2 student-run girls only soccer clinics (one for younger girls and one for older girls).
Entertainment provided by our bad dancing skills.
Village-wide Wrestling tournament, 2 days of lion dance festival for school.
Fantastic!!! Amazing!!! Awesome!!! You all, I'm sure are very proud of your accomplishments, collaboration, and relationships. I sure am. Incredible.