Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Keur Sadaro Project Pictures : Round 2

I alone have about 700 photos. Collectively we must have thousands. Here are a few project pictures from our second round in Keur Sadaro. We'll try to get more up in the next few days. We're also working on an official summary of accomplishments which we will proudly post soon!
- Andrew K.

The secure solar charging station in the school directors office. With 150 watts of solar 18 computers can charge per day.

A new roof for the school director.

The chicken coup and garden wall (to keep out goats) created by local contractors.

The school garden is planted with over 50 different plants and trees.

We finished the solar lighting in the classrooms. The teachers used the lighting during final tests the next day!

Local contractors were paid to erect a palm and wood canopy so that kids can eat/hang out outside during the rainy season.

There were more rounds of computer training for the teachers and students.

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1 comment:

  1. I'm really impressed with all the thought and effort you and the people of Keur Sadaro put into these projects. I hope that what you have built and the connections you made last a lifetime!
